Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday already

Well this has been a exciting week, for me anyway, I've decided to stay on here at the Silverado, the weather is far much better than Fl., also less bugs and most of all no mosquitos, Belle is excited too. I spotted a old camper from the fifties in the back of a trucking co. in Douglas and it turned out to be 4 sale, a steal at $300, well its mine now, all I have to do is get it moved here, its a little to big to move it with my Isuzu, 30' long, tomorrow I'm going to see If I can get someone to bring it here. Its very solid but needs work, the fun kind tho, new floor covering and lots of painting on the inside, it should be a fun project, the kind I like, must keep busy you know.
                         I know this kind of living isn't for everyone but it fits me to a tee, I love this old stuff, always have, my daughter Roxanne has given me some great ideas on how to do the interior, the stove is going and a countertop one will replace it also a breakfast bar with stools is going on the blank wall across from the kitchen counter, great idea Rox, thanks. I know it doesn't look like much now but wait till its done, OH BOY I can't wait.
               Well the sun just went down and I guess it ends another day here on the ranch, tomorrow a new one starts all over again, nite all.

1 comment:

  1. It is completely totally utterly you, Wayne!!! The camper has TONS of potential.
