Friday, October 22, 2010

It happened again today

The days are getting colder, let me rephrase that, there getting chillier, got down to 50 last night and only hit 65 today, but it is the middle of October so I guess we can expect it to get cooler, anyway I got up at 6:30 and sat at my table with my coffee and turned the old PC on, was waiting for it to warm up and all of a sudden a horse walked by my window, UT OH that ain't right, so outside I go and OMG there are horse's everywhere, at least 4 up at the hay stack and 5 more just roaming around, holy shit, this is a lot worse then the other day. Plus big boy is out too, that's the Clydesdale's name, the others I'm not to afraid of but big boy is a different story, he's huge, I mean really big, his hooves are as big as dinner plates and he stands a alot taller than me, a whole lot, well I got to do something, so out I go, first thing is to get the gator and some hay and see if they will follow me, the ones up at the hay pile follow me back to their corral and in they go, so far so good, go back and get more hay, big boy is still up there eating so I leave him alone and stack some more hay in the back of the gator and head off to round up the other 5, it takes awhile but I get them all to follow me to their corral, had a little problem getting them all in but finally they got in, so now all that's left is big boy, I never got close to him before and he was having a good'ol time eating away, well here goes caution to the wind again and I amble up to him with some hay in my hand, he just keeps right on eating, now I see this is going to be a problem because there is plenty of hay right in front of him, so why take what I'm holding, I think about getting a rope and trying to get it around his head like I did with the other one the other day but God this is a totally different story, well I got to do something besides standing there looking at him so I turn around and start to walk over to the shed for my rope, and guess what, he is walking right behind me, I still have some hay in my hand and he's trying to take it, no problem I say its yours and hold it out to him, very gently he takes it, so now what,we have about 100 YDS to his corral and I have no more hey right there, so I start walking towards it anyway and he follows, as soon as we get close he See's the others in there eating and breaks into a gallop, I thought he was going to crash thru the fence to get in but he stopped just before and I opened the gate and in he went just as nice as you please, guess what, I'm not afraid of him anymore, he's just big that's all.

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