Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday already and the month is half shot

You see why ya gotta love this place, here come my two buddies out to play with me and the donkeys, the parrot and the goose are the best of friends and go everywhere together, sassy the parrot can fly when she wants to but prefers to walk with the goose and she talks up a storm, as soon as she sees you she says ( do you want to play ) what a hoot she is, not afraid of anything, walks on the ground with the donkeys, absolutly no fear. she will eat out of your hand, but try and pet her and she bite's and hard too, I found that out the first day, the donkeys repect her, as she will latch onto a ear and doesn't let go, its so funny, donkeys mindful of a parrot.

                   Talking of donkeys, they are so smart and learn fast, yesterday I came home with some things from the store, milk, bread and the like, also bought some scratch for the geese, chickins, peacock, pegions and what ever else there is around, too numerous to mention I might add, I always feed them too much so I chip in on buying the scratch, well I took the scratch out of the car and placed it in the back of the gator and then brought the rest of the stuff into my camper to put away, I just got in the door when I herd a noise outside, one of the donkeys pulled the bag of scratch off the gator ( witch weighs 40 LBs I might add ) and thru it on the ground, they are very courious animals, so out I went and picked up the bag and put it back in the gator, as fast as lighting that donkey grabbed the bag and through it back on the ground, now I'm mad and yelled and shoe her away, pickup the bag and back in the gator it goes, I stand there a minute to see if she is going back for the scratch, but she seams not to be the least bit interested in it, not even looking in my direction, so I head back towards the camper, as soon as I'm inside bang there goes the bag on the ground again, then it dawns on me she's having fun and I'm not, so I left the bag there untill I got things put away and then went out and picked up the bag, put it in the gator and took off, HAHA donkey, OH the life of a ranch hand, I love it.                  

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