Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday already

How time flys when your having fun, Belle's person who comes everyday to feed the horse's couldn't come today, so guess who vollintered, yep me, if you think giving out hay to 13 some odd horse's and at least 30 donkey's is easy, think again, 3 bales of hay and it has to be spread between 4 different places, OH BOY its work for a 68 year old, thank God I got her John Deere Gator running or I would have been SOL and so would the animals, those bales are heavy!! well I got the job done and was covered with hay dust, seems the wind always blows at you while I was spreading the hay around, but I guess it was good exercise for me.
        The afternoons are hot but not like Florida, its very dry here, no humidity, in Florida you sweat and it takes to much out of you to work outside but here its much different, its hot, like 95 degrees but you don't sweat.

        Seen my first scorpion today while cleaning up some stuff that was laying around, he was under a board that was laying on the ground, I let him run away, no sense killing him, no rattlers yet tho but Belle says there around, and I heard the coyote's howling last night for the first time sounded so cool, now that I got the Gator running I can do more exploring, I want to go over to the old gold mine she keeps telling me about, but its about 1 mile out the back of her property and its not easy going thru the desert on foot, lots of rocks to twist an ankle on, so the Gator is the way to go, wish me luck on striking it rich, LOL

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