Saturday, October 23, 2010

The brake in

Lots went on last night, first of all I just finished cooking supper and sat down at the edge of my bed, I have a little fold up table I use sometimes, to eat on then something caught my eye out the window to my left, its 5 horse's at the gator,oh no, not again so soon, shit, their eating some hay that is left over from feeding,when I got done feeding the crew this morning I decided to close the gate to the hay so if any horse's got out they couldn't get to it, I found out that if they eat enough its harder to get them to follow you with hay if their full already, now I'm glad I did, I'm not going to let my supper get cold and their all right outside my door so I go ahead and eat. After I eat I went out and they all just look at me, I didn't want to scare them away by starting the gator so I walked up to the hay, got a flake, a flake is part of a bale, when you cut the 3 strings that hold it together the bale pops open like a accordian, then you can take small sections off, which I do and I go back down to my camper, by the way its getting dark now its 6:00, no daylight saving in Arizona, its the only state that does not change the time, it stays the same all year round, I like this! The horse's see me with the hay and come rite to me, I leed them over to the fence, its only 20 feet from my camper and through the hay over, open the gate and in they go, this is getting easyier all the time. Tomorrow I must find out where the are getting out.

              I hope the rest of the night goes off without a hitch, WRONG, no TV here so I read in the evenings till around 8 or so and then its sleep time. I have a little snack of pretzels and sweet tea read a little more than I put the pretzels up, drink the rest of my tea, turn off the light and prepair to go to sleep, I lay on my side facing the front window so I can just lay there and look out awhile, the stars are usually out but tonight the moon is out so its fairly light out, I look around a bit and then close my eye's, but I here a noise, its loud, fear sets in, did I dream it? NO there it goes again, a scraping sound, I reach over and put my hand on my trusty 12 GA shotgun, I keep it right there on the edge of my bed, loaded and ready, all I have to do is pull the hammer back and fire away. now comes the really scarey part, CRASH BANG really loud someone or something just kicked the door to my camper in, my back is to the door and I'm still laying on my side, so I spin around with my shotgun and I'm ready to blow what ever it is away!!   Nothings there, no door kicked in, no one standing over me with a huge knife ready to hack me into little pieces, no monster ready to rip me limb from limb, nothing? I pull the curtin up to the left of me, half expecting to see something, there's the gator, nothing around it,everything looks ok on that side, so I scoot over to the right window at that foot of my bed, lift the curtin, there's the horse's on the otherside of the fence, no problem there, so I put my foot down to get up and it hits guess what, PRETZELS, yes the damm bag of pretzels fell off the shelf, hit the counter and then the floor, the first sound I herd was them leaning over just starting to go,that was the scrapping sound, I'm gunna tell you right now when them pretzels hit the counter and floor it sure sounded like the door being kicked in to me, ROLD GOLD just about gave me heart failure.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you thank you, wayne for the gut busting laugh mom and I just had. Watch out for those pretzels they can be dangerous!!!
