Thursday, October 21, 2010

The old cow hand

Where did the week go, not too much to talk about, the nights and days are getting cooler so I guess its fall here too, no turning of the leaves tho. Yesterday I had my first real adventure with a horse, one of the biggest ones excluding the Clydesdale, he's definitely the king of the hill, no one mess's with him, not even me and you all know how tough I am. Well I came back from town and was going to feed everyone, so I headed up where we keep the hay and to my surprise there was this huge black and gray horse up there eating away, holy shit how did he get out and up there, the hay sits on a large flat bed trailer, he had broken one of the bales open and was going to town eating it, now what am I supposed to do? I know nothing about horses, well very little anyhow, they don't eat meat so I guess I'm safe there, I wonder if he's friendly, I through caution to the wind and approach him, I get about 3 feet away and he moves away, I keep walking towards him but he keeps that 3 foot between us, but he won't leave the hay, so now we're playing ring around the rosie, the rosie being the trailer with the hay, now what? I go find a piece of rope and amble over to him again, same thing, he moves away, this I see could go on all day. I clime up on the trailer so now he can't walk away, cause if he does he has to leave the hay, something he's not about to do, I make a noose in the rope, grab a hand full of hay and hold it out to him, he finely comes over and just as nice as you please lets me put the noose over his head, WOW now I'm not only a cow hand I'm a house trainer to boot, whoopee.

                                           I walk him back to the coral open the gate and led him in, but this is not the end of the story, while I'm taking the rope off one of the other horse's bolts thru the open gate, oh shit again, now there's another one on the loose, I run over and shut the gate, something I should have done in the first place, the other one makes a bee line to the hay pile, now all the other horse's and donkeys are winning and caring on something awful, they want to get out and to the hay pile too, now I have to feed them or they are going to stampede or whatever they do. Well the hell with the one that's out at least I know he's not going to leave the hay any time soon, so I get the Gator backed up to the hay and start loading it on, I finish loading up a pile and start to go down to the coral so I can feed these turkeys and guess who's following right behind me, its mister I want to be free, low and behold there is truly a God in heaven, I get to the coral, tose in some of the hay, open the gate and she strolls right in, oh thank you lord. How the first one got out is still a mystery, cause I checked the fence line and didn't see any openings, OH well its all in a day's work

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