Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday again

Well here I am still at Belle's ranch, at first it was a chore feeding the animals each day but now I look forward to it, the donkeys and horses all have their own personalitys, some are shy, others are agressive and the rest are just plain friendly, there is a big white donkey and her partner in crime a big brown one, they stick together like glue, I can't seem to keep them penned in, they get out every time, so I gave up and let them roam free, they follow me the whole time I'm passing out the hay, eating off the back of the Gator, I got most of the other donkeys in the coral and so far they have stayed there, when I first arrived all the donkeys were out, my God there wre donkeys everywhere, now I have them pretty much under control, all except Bonny and Clide, that's what I named the brown and white pair. The horses are good and never try to get out, donkeys are altogether different, they test the fence untill they find a weak spot and then its goodby, Belle doesn't beleave in barbed wire, hers is just plain twisted wire with no barbs, so the donkeys know if they push hard enough they can get through, they are little devils and very good excape artists.
       I went and did a little exploring out back today and found a real old bucket and small piece of small track, the kind they would use in a mine for ore carts to ride on, they were just laying out in the middle of the desert, the bucket was half covered with soil so I emagine it was there a fairley long time.
     Must go looking for the old gold mine Belle keeps telling me about, but the mountians out back where they are supposed to be are farther then they look, I drove the Gator for about a half hour and those montians never got any closer, so I turned around and came back, Maybe tomorrow I'll take the long hike out there??

   Bonny and Clide are playing outside my door, what a pair they make.

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