Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Another day at the ranch

Went to town again this morning, this time to pick up a new fuel filter I ordered at NAPA yesterday and stop at Walmart for carrots for the donkeys and some donuts for Belle, arrived back at the ranch and couldn't wait to pass out some carrots to my donkey friends, well that turned out to be a big mistake, as soon as they relaized what I had they charged me for them, honest to God there were donkeys droping from the sky, I had no idea there were so many, it seemed like hundreds, but I stopped counting at 30, I couldn't get away fast enough, no time to take pictures, I was running for my life!! Belle has a gated patio out side her rear door and I made a run for that with my donkey friends in hot persuit, I made it thru the gate but couldn't close it fast enough behine me, they busted thru, so I started yelling to Belle what should I do, donkeys were coming thru the gate into the patio like crazy, now I'm really scared, Belle opens the back door and grabs a hose that I assume is just for this very thing and yells to me to get out of the way, I do as told and she starts spraying them with the hose, they don't like that very much and soon depart, I then thanked her for saving my life and we both laugh. I have since hidden the rest of the carrots and will never let the donkeys see them again, next time I might not be so lucky.

                              While talking to Belle I find out she has had a colorful life, in the early fifties she played in a band in Nashville Tenn. and was friends with Patsie Cline and Lorretta Lynn, also knew Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings and numorous other stars before they were stars, what a interesting lady to talk to. Her place is a little run down but I love it anyway, it goes back to the 1800's and part of the orignail ranch house is still standing, her house is adobe and was built in 1928, it is vary clean and she does it all herself, not an easy job when your confined to a wheel chair, I have to give her lots of credit. There was a old gold mine at the base of the mountians in the back of her place, she said there was a old fellow who lived back there a long time ago and still got enough gold out of it to eeak out a living but he's been dead a long time now and no one goes back there anymore, must go check it out, gold at almost $1000 a ounce it might be worth looking into, sounds like it might be fun.
                                Well its almost the end of another day and I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings, nite all

1 comment:

  1. Wow that place takes you back a few years doesn't it? Looks like your having a heck of a good time!!! We may never see you again. haha
