Tuesday, September 28, 2010

First day here at Belle's

 Had a wonderful sleep last nite, it was cool only 59 when I woke up this morning, I have A/C but didn't have to use it, My donkey friends came rite over to greet me as soon as I walked out the door, I have to buy them some carrots as I've been talking to Belle and it seems they like them the best, I sat outside with them and had my morning coffee, then around 8 I went over to Belle's and told her I was going to town and if she needed anything, she said she would like some buttermilk and could I pickup some allergy shampoo for her little dog who has a skin problem, she is so cute and so small you can hold her in one hand even tho she's 2 years old. We had a little talk about her life, which I might add has been a hard one, at one time she was very well off and was not poor by no means but after 3 failed marriage's and alot of people taking advantage of her she has only the ranch and SS to live on. I can see how easy it is for someone to take advantage of her as I have only been here one day and she lets me have full run of the place, I have decided to stay awhile and help her out as she needs it despertly. She is totally confined to her wheel chair and can't go out, she had a power chair and could go outside with it but she went out to close the gate one nite and it got stuck in the yard and she had to crawl back inside, the chair got wet over nite and now it won't go anymore, so her outside travels are over for now. Before being confined to a wheel chair she had MS for the last few years and couldn't walk very well but did get around OK, well one evening about a six months or so ago she fell outside while feeding her animal's and broke her hip, she lay ed there in the horse pen for 17 hours before someone found her, her trusty dog stayed with her the whole time and did not leave her side, in fact when the medics arrived the dog was fighting them off until it realized they were there to help,OMG

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