Monday, September 27, 2010

Arriving at Belle Starr's silverodo ranch

I arrive at Belle Starr's silverodo ranch and its a bit of a disapoinment, first the gate is closed and it looks deserted except for all the animals around, I call my daughter and tell her the bad news but she says's to open the gate and go in, its OK I won't get shot, so that's what I do, making sure I close the gate behind me, I pull up around back of the house, its adobe and cute,and holler( anyone home) a little voice answers me back saying come on in, that's what I do and there in a wheel chair cute as a button is 83 year old Belle Starr, she broke her hip about six months ago and also has MS so now she is confined to that wheel chair, what a shame but she is in good spirts and a joy to talk to, so full of life.

          She has someone come in everyday to feed the animals and there's lots of um, holy cow, I counted 20 or more donkeys, of various sizes, at least six or more horses, then dogs, cats, birds and who knows what else. She is pleasant to talk to and you have to love her rite away, what a sweet person, I tell her I'm only passing thru on my way to Quartzite and she says that's OK to hook up anywhere, what's the fee I ask, she says's I'm flexible, what ever you want to pay, I can even work the fee off, rite away she asks me to stay awhile and do some work for her and by the looks of things the place needs it, I'll have to thing about it.  I go out and hook up to water and electric and while doing so all the donkeys are very interested in what I'm doing, they mull around me and its hard to get anything done, they are very curious and friendly, I love them, one trys to eat my belt and I have to tell him no, no, that holds my pants up.

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