Friday, November 26, 2010

The return to arizona

WOW  2 weeks sure can go fast when your having fun, sorry for the delay, but time just slipped by. well I'm all loaded up and ready for the trip back to Arizona. Had a long talk with the old Dodge and she said she's up to the task of towing the Isuzu back to AZ. I have about 140 gallons of veggie oil and that should make it the whole way back, if I start to run low I found Sands resturant in Van Horn Texas that has oil that I can have, I got some there on the way over here. Had a great time here with my daughter, she is the best. We had Thanksgiving at my cousin vinnie's and it was really good, lots to eat, they are sad I am leaving, but I told them its not forever, I'll be back in April for a visit. Tomorrow the adventure starts, actually I can't wait to get started, its going to be fun driving the Dodge again, people wave and honk their horns as they go by, I love it.

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