Monday, November 8, 2010

I missed bloging on Happy Sunday

            Holy cow how time flys when your having fun, I can't believe its Monday already, day after tomorrow I leave for Florida, just me and the Isuzu this time, I'm leaving the Cygnet here cause I'm bring the OLD DODGE back with me when I return, so I'll tow the Isuzu behind, been doing alot around here for Belle as I'll be away for a while, her cousin is coming to live here from Kentucky, she's 72 and is going to live in a small 3 room cabin here on the property, its was in pretty sad shape and I did a lot of remodeling to it to make it liveable, O'BOY, OH well, Belle says what I've done so far is good enough so that's fine with me. Tomorrow I must change my oil and get the ol'e ZU ready for the 1500 mile trip to FL.
            Had a email from my nephew Chris today and it was a nice surprise, first time I got a email from him, yippee ki yeah. He sent me some photos of a 1973 Jeep PU truck that I sold to my brother Rich, in I think around 1978 or 9, WOW that's along time ago, seams like 100 years ago!! I miss my brother and think of him all the time, he is 10 years older the me, so I'm the baby. Its funny he's in my dreams all the time, just about every night, I wonder what's up with that?? He always looks the same,  in his twenties, young and hansom as ever. Sorry but I get all teary eyed just thinking of him, wish we could be closer!!
             Suns going down and its time to eat, I've had along day and I'm hungry. NITE ALL

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