Tuesday, November 9, 2010

divine intervention

                                    Like I said earlier I' m leaving for Florida tomorrow morning, as you all know I burn waste veggie oil in my diesel Rodeo and it saves me tons of doe, as a matter of fact I couldn't do all the traveling I do without doing so, well here in Arizona I haven't been able to find a good sorce and I've used up all I had so for the trip back to Fl. I was going to have to buy diesel and at $3.19 a gal it was going to put a dent in the ole pocket book, 6:30 this evening I get a call from a fellow which I happened to meet last week that is a cook at Cochise collage, a local school rite down the road from here, I told him that I'm looking for used veggie oil and if he ever has any to let me know, he said a local guy is doing the same thing as me and takes all he has, but the fellow that usually picks up his waste veggie oil has plenty and wanted to know if I wanted any, if I can stop by at the school tomorrow morning early I can have about 50 gallons if I want it, yippie ki yeah, of coarse I do, what timing, there is truly a God in heaven, thank you lord, thank you!! This makes me a very happy camper and a lot cheaper trip back to Florida, WHOOPEE.

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