Sunday, November 14, 2010

Back home

                                This is the road heading out of Douglas AZ and somewhere on the other side of those mountians is Florida, but its a long ways away,  I stop for a moment just outside of Douglas to see the monument that is erected there where Geronimo surrendered in 1886, funny I end up living in two different parts of the country where he was, here in Florida he was imprisoned with his famaily at Fort Pickins  in Pensacola from 1886-1889.  The Indians were here thousands of years before us but we just came in and took there home land away from them, who gave us the right to do that?? Of coarse they were going to fight to hold on to it, so would you or I.
                                  I was just about out of veggie oil when I reached Van Horn Texas about 100 miles east of El Paso, it was 4 in the afternoon and I was hungry. I stop at a resturant called Sands and I'm glad that I did, the meal was excellent and under $10, after I payed I asked the lady behind the counter if she had any used vegtable oil, she comes back with WHY? you burn it in your car, suprised I say yes, she says there's a big black tank out back, take all you want, YIPEE, so out back I go and its great stuff, I can tell right away they change there oil often, its a nice gold color, so in my tank goes at least 35 gallons, then its across the road to the gas station and I add 10 GAL of diesel ($3.09 GL) to my new aquired stash of veggie and now I good with fuel all the way home to FL, THANKYOU SANDS RESTURANT you made my day. 

                                  I made it home with fuel to spare, the 1551 mile trip cost me $65 in fuel, not bad I'd say. Well I can tell its FL as the first day home and I'm sweating already, you can feel the humitity right away. Everything is just the way that I left it, the grass was even mowed thanks to the great neighbors I have, Barb and her friend Doug stayed here while I was away for a week or so and they left the place spotless, I may sweep and wipe things off but she cleans like no other, thanks Barb. Its happy Sunday and my daughter is arriving this afternoon, can't wait to see her, she's staying for awhile so we can hang out together. Gotta get the old Dodge ready for the trip back to AZ, I bought a new battery for it yesterday and put it in, hit the start button and she fired right off, YIPEE again. That truck is so much me, I love her.                        

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