Friday, November 26, 2010

The return to arizona

WOW  2 weeks sure can go fast when your having fun, sorry for the delay, but time just slipped by. well I'm all loaded up and ready for the trip back to Arizona. Had a long talk with the old Dodge and she said she's up to the task of towing the Isuzu back to AZ. I have about 140 gallons of veggie oil and that should make it the whole way back, if I start to run low I found Sands resturant in Van Horn Texas that has oil that I can have, I got some there on the way over here. Had a great time here with my daughter, she is the best. We had Thanksgiving at my cousin vinnie's and it was really good, lots to eat, they are sad I am leaving, but I told them its not forever, I'll be back in April for a visit. Tomorrow the adventure starts, actually I can't wait to get started, its going to be fun driving the Dodge again, people wave and honk their horns as they go by, I love it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Back home

                                This is the road heading out of Douglas AZ and somewhere on the other side of those mountians is Florida, but its a long ways away,  I stop for a moment just outside of Douglas to see the monument that is erected there where Geronimo surrendered in 1886, funny I end up living in two different parts of the country where he was, here in Florida he was imprisoned with his famaily at Fort Pickins  in Pensacola from 1886-1889.  The Indians were here thousands of years before us but we just came in and took there home land away from them, who gave us the right to do that?? Of coarse they were going to fight to hold on to it, so would you or I.
                                  I was just about out of veggie oil when I reached Van Horn Texas about 100 miles east of El Paso, it was 4 in the afternoon and I was hungry. I stop at a resturant called Sands and I'm glad that I did, the meal was excellent and under $10, after I payed I asked the lady behind the counter if she had any used vegtable oil, she comes back with WHY? you burn it in your car, suprised I say yes, she says there's a big black tank out back, take all you want, YIPEE, so out back I go and its great stuff, I can tell right away they change there oil often, its a nice gold color, so in my tank goes at least 35 gallons, then its across the road to the gas station and I add 10 GAL of diesel ($3.09 GL) to my new aquired stash of veggie and now I good with fuel all the way home to FL, THANKYOU SANDS RESTURANT you made my day. 

                                  I made it home with fuel to spare, the 1551 mile trip cost me $65 in fuel, not bad I'd say. Well I can tell its FL as the first day home and I'm sweating already, you can feel the humitity right away. Everything is just the way that I left it, the grass was even mowed thanks to the great neighbors I have, Barb and her friend Doug stayed here while I was away for a week or so and they left the place spotless, I may sweep and wipe things off but she cleans like no other, thanks Barb. Its happy Sunday and my daughter is arriving this afternoon, can't wait to see her, she's staying for awhile so we can hang out together. Gotta get the old Dodge ready for the trip back to AZ, I bought a new battery for it yesterday and put it in, hit the start button and she fired right off, YIPEE again. That truck is so much me, I love her.                        

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

divine intervention

                                    Like I said earlier I' m leaving for Florida tomorrow morning, as you all know I burn waste veggie oil in my diesel Rodeo and it saves me tons of doe, as a matter of fact I couldn't do all the traveling I do without doing so, well here in Arizona I haven't been able to find a good sorce and I've used up all I had so for the trip back to Fl. I was going to have to buy diesel and at $3.19 a gal it was going to put a dent in the ole pocket book, 6:30 this evening I get a call from a fellow which I happened to meet last week that is a cook at Cochise collage, a local school rite down the road from here, I told him that I'm looking for used veggie oil and if he ever has any to let me know, he said a local guy is doing the same thing as me and takes all he has, but the fellow that usually picks up his waste veggie oil has plenty and wanted to know if I wanted any, if I can stop by at the school tomorrow morning early I can have about 50 gallons if I want it, yippie ki yeah, of coarse I do, what timing, there is truly a God in heaven, thank you lord, thank you!! This makes me a very happy camper and a lot cheaper trip back to Florida, WHOOPEE.

Leaving tomorrow

                                    Well its on the road again tomorrow morning, heading to Florida, 1500 miles and I'll be there, weather looks good for the whole trip, thank you lord!! It will be good to see all my friends at Mc Donalds, when I was living in Mary Esther I would go to mickey's every morning and see the gang, there are about 7 of us, sometimes less, sometimes more, that meet there in the morning, we all would stay about a hour chewing the fat, there's a old expression, my dad used to say it all the time. My mom would say where were you John and he would say, just chewing the fat with the guys.
                                     It was chilly here today, only got up to 67, plus it was windy so it felt cooler and tonight its supposed to get down to 32, burrrr. No more posts now till I get to FL, talk to you then, BYE   

Monday, November 8, 2010

I missed bloging on Happy Sunday

            Holy cow how time flys when your having fun, I can't believe its Monday already, day after tomorrow I leave for Florida, just me and the Isuzu this time, I'm leaving the Cygnet here cause I'm bring the OLD DODGE back with me when I return, so I'll tow the Isuzu behind, been doing alot around here for Belle as I'll be away for a while, her cousin is coming to live here from Kentucky, she's 72 and is going to live in a small 3 room cabin here on the property, its was in pretty sad shape and I did a lot of remodeling to it to make it liveable, O'BOY, OH well, Belle says what I've done so far is good enough so that's fine with me. Tomorrow I must change my oil and get the ol'e ZU ready for the 1500 mile trip to FL.
            Had a email from my nephew Chris today and it was a nice surprise, first time I got a email from him, yippee ki yeah. He sent me some photos of a 1973 Jeep PU truck that I sold to my brother Rich, in I think around 1978 or 9, WOW that's along time ago, seams like 100 years ago!! I miss my brother and think of him all the time, he is 10 years older the me, so I'm the baby. Its funny he's in my dreams all the time, just about every night, I wonder what's up with that?? He always looks the same,  in his twenties, young and hansom as ever. Sorry but I get all teary eyed just thinking of him, wish we could be closer!!
             Suns going down and its time to eat, I've had along day and I'm hungry. NITE ALL

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Its here

                                      Well yesterday my new home arrived at the Silverado, and a fine home its going to be, my daughter has given me all kinds of ideas, good going Rox. This is going to be a fun project for me. I got the fellow that owns Twin Buttes RV park which is only a mile and a half down the road to move it for me, Roger is his name and a better guy you couldn't ask for, I was expecting to pay at least $100 to get it moved, I mean its 35' long by 8' wide, no lights,brakes and tires that are at least 50 years old and cracked all to hell, he looks at it and says no problem, I say how much, he comes back with $25, OMG, no way I said, he's got to jack it up, hook up to it, and tow it 11 miles with no plates or lights, that's got to be worth more than $25, he says that's all he wants, well OK lets do it and that's what we did, what a guy, we had no problems at all, everything went as smooth as silk, raggedy tires held up and all, after all was said and done, I tried to make him take at least $50, he finely gave in and took $40.
                                       Now the fun begins