Sunday, December 5, 2010

Happy Sunday everyone

As you all know Sunday is my favorate day, Why I have no idea, but it is, I love Sundays. Its a great day here in Arizona, suns shineing and its 75, sorry about that you guys up north but I had to through that in there. I did some work on my new trailer,HAHA, well its new to me anyway, it has what is known here in the south west as a swamp cooler, its kinda like air conditioning only instead of taking mosture out of the air it puts some in because the air is so dry out here, well they mount them on the roof and they blow cooled air through out the whole trailer, actually there pretty nice, unless of coarse if they devolipe a leak, as mine did, OH BOY. The roof is still solid but the ceiling in the kitchen sufferd the most damage from the constant leak. it is bowed a little but its still plenty strong, I'm going to drop the ceiling just in the kitchen about 1" and that will make it look alot better, should take the slite bow out. I know you are all looking at this and saying is it worth the trouble, my answer is YES IT IS, it gives me something constructive to do rather than sitting on my butt doing nothing, besides too me its fun and keeps my pea brain working. I rebuilt the swamp cooler to stop the water leak and I sealed the roof. The trailer is a Roy Craft, built in the mid fiftys, all alumium and solid as a rock, just needs some TLC, well a lot of TLC. I'll post photos as I go along so you can see the progress and please stop laughing. For some unknone reason it won't let me upload any photos, after muiltable times trying I finialy give up, maybe tomorrow. Bye for now

1 comment:

  1. Have you googled roy craft yet? If you do you will see multiple message boards where there are pictures of restored roy crafts. Yes, I googled your trailer because I curious about the history. I must say I can't wait to see it when you are done. So, you better email pics!
